Friday, July 11, 2008

What is really going on, again

The bureau has been under the radar for a bit, due to a need to complete several projects that have been overdue for a bit.  Such is the nature of the computer business.

So, what is happening now?  Much as predicted in these releases, the trend of inflation coupled by deflation continues.  Property values continue to decline in much of the country while income remains largely stagnant and jobs go away.  This is pretty much textbook stagflation, and now, even the mainstream news media has somehow cottoned onto the happenings and goings on.  So, the bureau will not dwell too much on it, and will hold itself to a single 'I told you so'.

The middle eastern conflagaration continues pretty much as planned.  Iraq continues to appear calmer as ethnic groups relocate in order to form enclaves and the US forces manage to convince locals to fight a common enemy, 'Al Qaeda' in Iraq, a group only loosely related to 'Al Qaeda' worldwide.  Of course, prior to the misadventure in Iraq, there were no 'Al Qaeda' in Iraq, so add that to the failures of this administration.

As promised, Obama will be no better, talking up attacking Pakistan for their own good.  Well, one of your analysts at the bureau spent formative years in Pakistan, as well as India.  The bureau can think of nothing dumber than trying to 'fix' Pakistan.  In other words, after decrying the war in Iraq, this fool wants to attack Pakistan, which has even less to lose and has nuclear weapons.  No kidding.

And, as usual, lefties twitter on about civil liberties and women's rights, failing entirely to notice that one of the worst offenders against both is actually Saudi Arabia, our 'friend'.  Ron Paul stood up with his teeth in his mouth in a presidential debate and pointed out that Saudi Arabia is the largest single funder of state sponsored terrorism in the world, yet remains our 'friend'.  Iraq has traditionally not been engaged in state sponsored terrorism, posed no threat to the US, yet we attacked it.

The bureau has, of course, held for some time that a golden opportunity to achieve detente with Iran was squandered by the administration.  The opportunity still exists.  There is tons of disiniformation about Iran floating around, but I wish to counter it all with one point: President Ahmanijad or however you spell it came here.  Bush did not travel to Iran.  The president of Iran was so concerned with efforts to avoid war with the United States that he travelled to the United States to speak with the American people because our administration is so hopelessly pigheaded that not only does it rattle sabres, it ignores overtures to peace.

I'm not saying the guy is a saint; he's said things that any self-respecting Jew would take offense to, such as denying the holocaust, but in the grand scheme of things, he made the effort and the Jews did not.  Which one is really the bigger culture?  Which one really wishes peace?

And, as previously noted in the annals of the bureau, he doesn't really run the country.  The ayatollahs or however you spell it do.  So, there are at least three major opinion blocks, those of the president and his constiutents, those of the ayatollahs and their constituents and those of the common guy trying to stay alive and make a buck.  None of them have said anything to lead the bureau to think they'd be so stupid as to attack the United States now or in the future.

Talk continues of Iranian supplies to Iraqi 'insurgents'.  First, the Iraqis are not 'insurgents'.  After much nuanced discussion amongst the illustrious analysts at the bureau, it has been determined they are 'partisans', people who belong to a given party in the three way civil war the US is trying to stop.  The US does not constitute a legitimate authority to anyone in that country except the few patsies we have turned our backs on at the earliest convenience.  Therefore, we are usurpers and the term 'insurgent' refers to a rebel against an established, legitimate government, which we are not.  Neither, of course, is the Maliki government.

As for Iranian supplies, it has been shown time and again that the supplies are either not from Iran or are things that can be bought in Iran.  This is not the Iranian government selling supplies to people killing Americans, it is the Iranian government selling supplies, something that happens in every country bordering Iraq.  One doesn't really have to wonder why Iran is being singled out; the US appears to want war with Iran and damn the reasons, exactly as it did with Iraq.  After all, even the staunchest Iraq war apologists now cling to the 'we broke it so we must fix it' argument for continuing the war, as every single argument they have advanced has been shown to be the flimsy tissue it was.

Now, for the quotidienne dire prediction: approval ratings for congress and the president continue to fall.  As unemployment climbs, this will become a volatile situation.  It is from this mix that social unrest comes.  Expect more and more widespread rioting.  Expect increased crime.  Expect our idiotic and morally bankrupt government to respond by tightening the garrotte already firmly emplanted in our larynxes which will, no doubt, increase the violence of the predictable response.  So far, they have done little but make it unpalatable to fly and presume to watch everything we say and do.  They have also shielded their lackeys in business for shamelessly handing over our information.  At some point they will do something that annoys more than the middle class.  At that point, the fuse will be ignited.  It is from such fuses that new countries arise; it has happened in Russia, France and Germany.  The bureau is not predicting that sort of thing yet, but the possibility exists.  Were it to happen, it would be interesting to see how the United States were to break up.

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